Background: I have a python program that imports and uses the readline module to build a homemade command line interface. I have a second python program (built around bottle, a web micro-framework) that acts as a front-end for that CLI. The second python program opens a pipe-like interface to the first, essentially passing user input and CLI output back and forth between the two.
Problem: In the outer wrapper program (the web interface), whenever the end-user presses the TAB key (or any other key that I bind the readline completer function), that key is inserted into the CLI's stdin without firing the readline completer function. I need this to trigger readline's command completion function instead, as normally occurs during an interactive CLI session.
Possible Solution #1: Is there some way to send the TAB key to a subprocess' stdin, so that a batch usage works the same as an interactive usage?
Possible Solution #2: Or, if there was some way to trigger the entire completion process manually (including matches generation and display), I could insert and scan for a special text sequence, like "<TAB_KEY_HERE>"
, firing the possible completion matches display function manually. (I wrote the completer function, which generates the possible matches, so all I really need is access to readline's function to display the possible matches.)
Possible Solution #3: I guess, if I cannot access readline's matches-display function, the last option is to rewrite readline's built-in display-completion function, so I can call it directly. :(
Is there a better solution? Any suggestions on following the paths presented by any of the above solutions? I am stuck on #1 and #2, and I'm trying to avoid #3.