Here is an example of my data:
id score
1 82 0.50000
2 82 0.39286
3 82 0.56250
4 328 0.50000
5 328 0.67647
6 328 0.93750
7 328 0.91667
I want to make a column of moving average's of scores for each id.
So I need to somehow group the data by id then apply a MA function to that grouped data and then have the output as another column "MA_score"
I would like my output to look like this:
id score MA_score
1 82 0.50000 NULL
2 82 0.39286 0.xxxx
3 82 0.56250 NULL
4 328 0.50000 NULL
5 328 0.67647 0.yyyy
6 328 0.93750 0.qqqq
7 328 0.91667 NULL
You could use split and rollapply from the zoo package as one of many ways to approach this. Note that in the example below I set the width of the rollapply function to 1 so it just returns each value. For widths greater than one it will take the mean of that number of values.
sapply( split( df , df$id) , function(x) rollapply( x , width = 1 , align = 'left' , mean) )
#Note that by setting width = 1 we just return the value
id score
[1,] 82 0.50000
[2,] 82 0.39286
[3,] 82 0.56250
id score
[1,] 328 0.50000
[2,] 328 0.67647
[3,] 328 0.93750
[4,] 328 0.91667
If we were to set width = 3
you would get:
id score
[1,] 82 0.48512
id score
[1,] 328 0.7046567
[2,] 328 0.8435467
Or you could use aggregate in base
aggregate( score ~ id , data = df , function(x) rollapply( x , width = 1 , align = 'left' , mean) )
id score
1 82 0.50000, 0.39286, 0.56250
2 328 0.50000, 0.67647, 0.93750, 0.91667
There are quite a few ways to do this. I would precisely define your moving average function though, because there are many ways to calculate it (check out for example TTR:::SMA
Or more straightforward using ave
within(df, { MA_score <- ave(score, id, FUN=function(x)
rollmean(x, k=3, na.pad = TRUE))})
You could split your data by unique ID values, calculate the rolling mean (from 'zoo' package) for each of these unique IDs and append the results to your initial dataframe:
# Required packages
# Data setup
df <- data.frame(id = c(82, 82, 82, 328, 328, 328, 328),
score = c(0.5, 0.39286, 0.5625, 0.5, 0.67647, 0.9375, 0.91667))
# Split data by unique IDs
df.sp <- split(df, df$id)
# Calculate rolling mean for each unique ID <- lapply(seq(df.sp), function(i) {
rollmean(df.sp[[i]]$score, k = 3, na.pad = TRUE)
# Append column 'MA_score' to dataframe
for (i in seq(names(df.sp))) {
df[which(df$id == names(df.sp)[i]), "MA_score"] <-[[i]]
id score MA_score
1 82 0.50000 NA
2 82 0.39286 0.4851200
3 82 0.56250 NA
4 328 0.50000 NA
5 328 0.67647 0.7046567
6 328 0.93750 0.8435467
7 328 0.91667 NA