I want to make a modular web site.Everything is going well but i have encountered a problem when cumulatively added module.I want to load content dynamically as below:
For contact page:
- Content.cshtml : Lorem ipsum dolor
- Contact.cshtml
- Content.cshtml : Adress : Tbilisi/Georgia
But load only first content rightly as below
- Content.cshtml : Lorem ipsum dolor
- Contact.cshtml
- Content.cshtml : Lorem ipsum dolor
How can i solve this problem?
| ModulId | PhysicalPath |
| 1 | /Content.cshtml |
| 2 | /Contact.cshtml |
| PageId | Page |
| 1 | About |
| 2 | Contact |
| ContentId | Content |
| 1 | Lorem ipsun dolor... |
| 2 | Adress : Tbilisi/Georgia |
| PageId | ModuleId | OrderId |
| 2 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 3 |
public class ModuleRepository
public IEnumerable<Modules> Module { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<PageModules> PageModule { get; set; }
public ContentBlock Content { get; set; }
public ActionResult Page()
int PageId = default(int);
if (RouteData.Values["id"] != null)
PageId = int.Parse(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString());
using (ContentModel db = new ContentModel())
var module = from n in db.PageModule
join m in db.Module on n.ModuleId equals m.ModuleId
where n.PageId == PageId
orderby n.OrderId
select m;
var model = new ModuleRepository
Module = ViewName.ToList(),
Content = db.ContentBlock.Where(n => n.PageId == PageId).First()
return View(model);
@model ModuleRepository
@foreach (var modul in Model.Module)
@Html.Partial(@modul.PhysicalPath, Model)
@model ModuleRepository