I'm using Postgres in a Rails app. Storing Lat/Lon in the database as float values. I want to be able to compare locations' lat/lons, but I only know how to do exact equality:
Location.where(lat: @lat, lon: @lon)
My issue is, I want Postgres to read, say 71.233434 as equal to 71.233545, or something. In other words, can I query for rounded equality, or equality within a range?
I've Googled around for this pretty extensively (maybe using the wrong terms? I can't think of it. "Active Record Postgres float within", "Active Record Postgres rounded query", etc). No luck, though. I've only found how to round values coming out of the database, which isn't much help, cause that's easy to do in Ruby.
Any ideas? I'd prefer some sort of Active Record solution, if it exists, but if not, I'd also definitely appreciate (a link to) actual querying code.
EDIT -- Looking at this answer, I tried the below:
Location.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE lat = ROUND(30.67035, 0.001)")
Hoping to find the Location in the DB with the lat value of 30.6703649, but I ran into this error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function round(numeric, numeric) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM places WHERE lat = ROUND(30.67035, 0.001)
Fundamentally same error when I try the opposite, which makes a bit more sense:
Location.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE ROUND(lat, 0,001) = 30.67035")
My answer based on the response below:
scope :none, -> { where('1=2') } # returns an empty relation
scope :by_ll, -> (lat, lon) { by_lat(lat).by_lon(lon) }
scope :by_lat, -> (lat) { lat ? where("ROUND( CAST(lat as numeric), 4 ) = ?", lat.round(4) ) : none }
scope :by_lon, -> (lon) { lon ? where("ROUND( CAST(lon as numeric), 4 ) = ?", lon.round(4) ) : none }