I have an XPages with a button on it that will not do anything no matter how simple the code is. There are no errors appearing, nothing in the logs showing me why it does not work.
Here is the test button that does nothing:
<xp:button value="Print" id="button4">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
I do not see that code would not allow this button to fire.
I am using the Extension Library ApplicationLayout control that has a few customizations to it, but not sure why it would limit a button on the XPage not to work.
I did notice in the Page Source that it looks like there is no "a href" or "onclick" parameter in a browser. The Place Bar actions are correctly rendered, but a button in a panel on the XPage does not seem to render:
<button class="lotusBtn" type="button" name="view:_id1:_id2:OneUIMainAreaCallback:button4" id="view:_id1:_id2:OneUIMainAreaCallback:button4">Print</button>
I am not sure where else to turn on this.
Appreciate any help.
Thanks! Dan