Converting Tiff obect from BitMiracle LibTiff to N

2019-07-24 12:59发布


On client side I have image in TIFF images with multiple pages.

Firt I convert this image file to byte array and then I sent this data to web service.

For converting TIFF to byte array I use method System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes.

On web service side I would like convert this byte array to If byte array contains invalid data it will be nice to have som control.

Then I need do these things:

  • parse all pages from multi TIFF image to objects type of System.Drawing.Image

  • get specified images from multi TIFF

  • convert BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic.Tiff object to byte array

  • save BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic.Tiff object to disk in TIFF format

I google it, tried many samples but for me is bit problem convert byte array to BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic.Tiff (and back) and convert BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic.Tiffobject which hold multi TIFF to collection of System.Drawing.Image.


There are two samples that show how to create System.Drawing.Image from a TIFF

  • Convert color TIFF to a 32-bit System.Drawing.Bitmap
  • Convert color TIFF to a 24-bit System.Drawing.Bitmap

These samples create System.Drawing.Image for the current page of a TIFF. By default, current page is the first page.

In case your TIFF image is multipage you still can use the code from samples. But you will need to encapsulate the code in a method and call that method multiple times: one time for each page.

The number of pages can be retrieved using NumberOfDirectories method. Current page can be set using SetDirectory method.

The How to use a System.IO.Stream to read or write TIFF images sample shows how to read TIFF image from a memory stream.