I want to make queries for addresses to postgis database with data from openstreetmap, check if such address exist in database and if so, get coordinates. Database was filled from .pbf file using osmosis. This is schema for the database http://pastebin.com/Yigjt77f. I have addresses in form of city name, street name and number of street. The most important for me is this table:
CREATE TABLE node_tags (
k text NOT NULL,
v text NOT NULL
k column is in form of tags, one that I'm interested are: addr:housenumber
, addr:street
, addr:city
and v is corresponding value. First I'm searching if name of city matches one in database, than in results set I'm searching for street and than for house number. The problem is that I don't know how to make SQL query that will get this result with asking only once. I can ask first only for city name, get all node_id that match my city and save them in java program, than make queries asking for each found(matching my city) id_number (list from my java program) for the street, and so on. This way is really slow, because asking for more detailed information (city than street than number) I have to make more and more queries and what is more I have to check a lot of addresses. Once I have matching node_id I can easily find coordinates, so that's not a problem.
Example of this table:
node_id | k | v <br>
123 | addr:housenumber | 50
123 | addr:street | Kingsway
123 | addr:city | London
123 | (some other stuff) | .....
100 | addr:housenumber | 121
100 | addr:street | Edmund St
100 | addr:city | London
I hope I explained clearly what is my problem.