cant quite find the answer I need so hopefully you guys can help.
I am trying to develop ( with basic but growing knowledge!) a split search bar for a custom cake website.
basically I have one search bar in the header, and a drop down with whole site and cakes in it.
When the whole site is selected I want it to pass the search parameters to googel custom search and display on the page. when cakes is selected it triggers a custom php search I wrote to search for and display a single cake picture.
I am doing this at the moment with an if statement. so if type=cakes then ( run php () else put search terms through google custom search.
Now I have tried using the results only format for it, but it doesnt seem to render anything! I dont know how to pass my parameter to the results page. I tried setting the parameter to cakeref which is what i have specified previously.
Any help or explanations as to how google custom search works and integrates would be amazing.