
Howto take a glimpse into mscorlib?

2019-07-24 09:33发布


I want to read data into RSAParameters structure ( RSAParameters ) and did check twice, that the data is correct. But still, I get an error "invalid data" exception for this:

   bei System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException.ThrowCryptogaphicException(Int32 hr)
   bei System.Security.Cryptography.Utils._ImportKey(SafeProvHandle hCSP, Int32 keyNumber, CspProviderFlags flags, Object cspObject, SafeKeyHandle& hKey)
   bei System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportParameters(RSAParameters parameters)

How can I take a look into the source code to check why _ImportKeys is throwing an exception? I have no experience with .dll 'decryption'..are there any symbols to reference somewhere for visual studio 8.0? Thank you.


Use .NET Reflector to disassemble the DLL you want to examine.


You can also use JetBrains dotPeek. It is 100% free.