Assigning passive values or constants to a user-de

2019-07-24 05:13发布


So I'm working on an automatic differentiation toolbox in Fortran using operator overloading. I have previously implemented this in C++ but really need to get it to work in Fortran.

I have the following module defined in Fortran:

     module adopov
         integer        :: indexcount
         integer, parameter :: tape_size = 1000
!....... ADtype
         public         :: ADtype
         type ADtype
            integer     :: index      = -1
            real        :: v          = 0.0
            procedure        :: oo_asg
            generic, public  :: assignment(=) => oo_asg
         end type ADtype
!....... class tape
         public         :: ADtape
         type ADtape
            real        :: v          = 0.0
         end type ADtape
!....... interface(s)
         interface assignment(=)
            module procedure oo_asg
         end interface
         type (ADtape), dimension(tape_size)  :: tape
!....... definitions
!....... assignment
         subroutine oo_asg (x,y)
            implicit none
            class(ADtype), intent(out)  :: x
            class(ADtype), intent(in)   :: y
            tape(indexcount)%v          = y%v
            indexcount = indexcount + 1
            x%v     = y%v
            x%index = indexcount
         end subroutine oo_asg
end module adopov

In C++, I have a similar user-defined type as

class ADType {
      int index;
      double v;
      ADType() : index(-1), v(0) {};
      ADType(const double&);
      ADType& operator=(const ADType&);

where the constructor sets the initial values for the index and value parts. Next, I have a constructor for passive values or constants (of type double) so that I can define a new variable of class (ADType) whenever I have a double variable. For example, when I have:

ADType x;
x = 2.0;

initially a new variable of type ADType is created with value set to 2.0, let's say var1 = 2.0 and next (according to the assignment operator (=) defined in the class ADType) I will assign that variable to x, i.e. x = var1. This entire process is being recorded in a tape that counts operations and records the values and indices.

Now, you may say "why do you have to do this?". Well, during the adjoint method of automatic differentiation using operator overloading, this is a necessary step.

The way I do it in C++ is that I simply have the following two constructors:

ADType:: ADType(const double& x): v(x) {
  tape[indexcounter].v = x;

ADType& ADType::operator=(const ADType& x) {
  if (this==&x) return *this;
  tape[indexcounter].v = v = x.v;
  return *this;

but I don't know how to implement the constructor for passive values and constants in Fortran.


You have two options, that you might use in combination.

  1. Overload the defined assignment with a procedure that corresponds to having a REAL object on the right hand side.

      PROCEDURE        :: OO_ASG
    ! Users of the module shoudn't be calling this procedure 
    ! (or the specific binding, really) directly.
      REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: y
      ! Do what you have to do...
      x%V = y
    ! Example of use...
    TYPE(ADTYPE) :: z
    z = 2.0
  2. Use a structure constructor, or the overloaded procedural equivalent.

    PRIVATE :: ADTYPE_construct_from_REAL
    FUNCTION ADTYPE_construct_from_REAL(y) RESULT(x)
      REAL, INTENT(IN) :: y
      TYPE(ADTYPE) :: x
      ! Do what you have to do.
      x%V = y
    END FUNCTION ADTYPE_construct_from_REAL
    ! Example of use:
    TYPE(ADTYPE) :: z
    z = ADTYPE(3.0)  

If you made the invocation of the constructor that takes a double explicit in the source code in your C++ example (i.e ADType x; x = ADType(2.0);, then you have the equivalent to the second of these two approaches - Fortran does not have implicit conversions between objects of derived type.

(Your example code shows both a type bound assignment and a Fortran 90 style stand-alone interface. It does not make sense to have both - that module should not even compile.)


Here's a complete working suggestion to your problem. Please note that every variable inside a module automatically inherits the save attribute. If you're eventually interested in concurrency you may have to enclose indexcounter inside ADtape with an appropriate type-bound procedure for bookkeeping.

module adopov

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_binding, only: &
       ip => C_INT, &
       wp => C_DOUBLE

  ! Explicit typing only
  implicit none

  ! Everything is private unless stated otherwise
  public :: Adtype, wp

  ! Declare derived data types
  type ADtape
     real(wp) :: v = 0.0_wp
  end type ADtape

  type, public :: ADtype
     integer(ip) :: index = -1
     real(wp)    :: v = 0.0_wp
     procedure, private :: asgn_from_type, asgn_from_real, asgn_from_int
     generic, public  :: assignment(=) => asgn_from_type, asgn_from_real, asgn_from_int
  end type ADtype

  ! Set user-defined constructor
  interface ADtype
     module procedure :: ADtype_constructor
  end interface ADtype

  ! Variables confined to the module.
  ! Please note that every variable
  ! in a module implicitly inherits the save attribute.
  integer            :: indexcount = 0 ! Your original code left this uninitialized
  integer, parameter :: TAPE_SIZE = 1000
  type (ADtape)      :: tape(TAPE_SIZE)


  pure function ADtype_constructor(x, indx) result (return_value)
    real (wp),    intent(in)            :: x
    integer (ip), intent (in), optional :: indx
    type (ADtype)                       :: return_value

    return_value%v = x
    if (present(indx)) return_value%index = indx

  end function ADtype_constructor

  subroutine update_tape(float)
    real (wp), intent (in) :: float

    tape(indexcount)%v = float
    indexcount = indexcount + 1

  end subroutine update_tape

  subroutine asgn_from_type(this, y_type)
    class(ADtype), intent(out) :: this
    class(ADtype), intent(in)  :: y_type

    associate( &
         v => this%v, &
         indx => this%index &

      call update_tape(y_type%v)
      v = y_type%v
      indx = indexcount
    end associate

  end subroutine asgn_from_type

  subroutine asgn_from_real(this, y_real)
    class(ADtype), intent(out) :: this
    real(wp),      intent(in)  :: y_real

    associate( &
         v => this%v, &
         indx => this%index &
      call update_tape(y_real)
      v = y_real
      indx = indexcount
    end associate

  end subroutine asgn_from_real

  subroutine asgn_from_int(this, y_int)
    class(ADtype), intent(out) :: this
    integer(ip),   intent(in)  :: y_int

    associate( &
         v => this%v, &
         indx => this%index, &
         float => real(y_int, kind=wp) &
      call update_tape(float)
      v = float
      indx = indexcount
    end associate

  end subroutine asgn_from_int

end module adopov

program main

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_Fortran_env, only: &
       stdout => OUTPUT_UNIT, &
       compiler_version, &

  use adopov, only: &
       ADtype, wp

  ! Explicit typing only
  implicit none

  type(ADtype) :: foo, bar, woo

  ! Invoke the user-defined constructor
  foo = ADtype(42.0_wp)
  bar = ADtype(42.0_wp, -6)
  woo = foo

  print *, foo
  print *, bar
  print *, woo

  write( stdout, '(/4a/)') &
       ' This file was compiled using ', compiler_version(), &
       ' using the options ', compiler_options()

end program main

This yields

gfortran -Wall -o main.exe adopov.f90 main.f90
           1   42.000000000000000     
           2   42.000000000000000     
           3   42.000000000000000     

 This file was compiled using GCC version 6.1.1 20160802 using the options -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -Wall