I have the following Makefile:
X=a.jar b.jar c.jar
Y=/var/tmp/abc/a.jar /var/tmp/abc/b.jar /var/tmp/abc/c.jar
all: $(addprefix /var/tmp/abc/tmp/, $(X))
define AddRule
/var/tmp/abc/tmp/$(dst): $(src)
@echo $$@
@echo $$^
@mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@cp $$^ $$@
$(foreach jar, $(X), $(eval $(call AddRule, $(jar), $(filter %$(jar), $(Y)))))
(/var/tmp/abc/{a,b,c}.jar exist)
Basically, for each file name in $X, I want to find the full path in $Y and create a rule that copies that file to /var/tmp/abc/tmp (I know there's a much easier way to do this, but my actual Makefile is more complicated and needs a construct like this).
When I run this Makefile, I get the following output:
make: *** No rule to make target `/var/tmp/abc/tmp/c.jar', needed by `all'. Stop.
Now the "funny" part: If I add the following line after declaring the "all" rule:
all three jar files are processed, 'make' doesn't mention anything about 'd' (even if file 'd' doesn't exist), and the run is a success.
So it looks like the foreach loop doesn't go through the last iteration (or most probably something else that leads to the same results happens). Does anybody know what the problem is and how to fix it?