C:\Program Files\sox-14-4-0>sox Sample.wav -n stat
The above code gives below result
Samples read: 26640
Length (seconds): 3.330000
Scaled by: 2147483647.0
Maximum amplitude: 0.515625
Minimum amplitude: -0.734375
Midline amplitude: -0.109375
Mean norm: 0.058691
Mean amplitude: 0.000122
RMS amplitude: 0.101146
Maximum delta: 0.550781
Minimum delta: 0.000000
Mean delta: 0.021387
RMS delta: 0.041831
Rough frequency: 526
Volume adjustment: 1.362
Now i need only Mean amplitude. How to do that?
There are a few ways.
Method 1:
"C:\Program Files\sox-14-4-0\sox" Sample.wav -n stat | find "Mean amplitude: " > %TMP%\amp.tmp
set /p meanAMP=<%TMP%\amp.tmp
set meanAMP=%meanAMP:*: =%
del %TMP%\amp.tmp
echo %meanAMP%
Method 2:
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%x in ('"%ProgramFiles%\sox-14-4-0\sox" Sample.wav -n stat') do (
if "%%x %%y"=="Mean amplitude:" set meanAMP=%%z
echo %meanAMP%
Method 3:
for /f "skip=7 tokens=1-3" %%x in ('"%ProgramFiles%\sox-14-4-0\sox" Sample.wav -n stat') do (
if "%%x %%y"=="Mean amplitude:" set meanAMP=%%z
echo %meanAMP%
Method 4:
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%x in ('"%ProgramFiles%\sox-14-4-0\sox" Sample.wav -n stat ^| find "Mean amplitude:"') do (
set meanAMP=%%z
echo %meanAMP%
I suspect that method 3 will be the fastest because:
Method 1 uses a lot of steps, including the external program find
, the creation, access and deletion of a temporary file, and the redefinition of a variable.
Method 2 examines all the output of SOX
Method 4 uses the external program find
which slows down execution.
Method 3 actually skips the first 7 lines of output from SOX
and THEN begins to evaluate the output.
NOTE: Methods 2-4 can all be done on a single line, just remove the (
and )
EDIT: Fixed some errors in the code.
NOTE: To use from the command prompt Method 1 should work as-is. Methods 2-4 require changing all %%
's to %
For example, you can paste this directly into cmd
for /f "skip=7 tokens=1-3" %%x in ('"%ProgramFiles%\sox-14-4-0\sox" Sample.wav -n stat') do (
if "%x %y"=="Mean amplitude:" set meanAMP=%z
echo %meanAMP%
Notice that this is almost an exact copy of method 3, except I changed %%x
, %%y
and %%z
into %x
, %y
and %z