The python module regex allows fuzzy matching
You can specify the allowable number of substitutions,s, insertions,i, deletions,d, and total errors,e, allowed
The fuzzy_counts 'option' returns a tuple (0,0,0), where:
match.fuzzy_counts[0] = the counts for 's',
match.fuzzy_counts[1] = counts for 'i' and
match.fuzzy_counts[2] = counts for 'd'
The deletions and insertions are counted as expected, but not the substitutions
In the example below, the only change is a single character deleted in the query, yet the substitutions count is 6 (7 if the BESTMATCH option is removed)
How are the substitutions counted?
I would be grateful of someone can anyone explain how this works to me
`import regex
reference = "(TATGGGA[CT][GC]AAAG[CT]CT[AC]AA[GA]CCATGTG){s<7,i<3,d<3,e<8}"
match =, query, regex.BESTMATCH)
Incidentally, match.fuzzy_counts may have been what this post was after: Python "regex" module: Fuzziness value