Slack API “attachments” not showing

2019-07-23 22:40发布


Attachments aren't working in the following code and neither is the response_type showing as it should be. I've also tried using Python's Slack Client, but the exact same thing is happening.

def send_message(channel_id, text):
    params = {
        "token" : token, 
        "username" : "NEW BOT",
        "channel" : channel_id,
        "text" : text,
        "response_type": "ephemeral",
        "attachments": [{ "text":"This is some text" }]

    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    slack_api = ''
    requests.get(slack_api, json=params, headers=headers)

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def main():
    if sc.rtm_connect():
        text = request.args.get("text")
        channel_id = request.args.get("channel_id")
        send_message(channel_id, text)
        return Response(), 200


The response_type field can only be set when producing a message in response to a slash command or message button action invocation. It can't be set directly with chat.postMessage, as there's no context on the target user for whom to display that ephemeral message.

Another quirk about chat.postMessage is that it doesn't currently accept JSON like incoming webhooks does. Instead, you need to send POST parameters of the application/x-www-form-urlencoded variety. Even quirkier, that attachments field actually doesn't get sent as a string of JSON, but URL-encoded into a parameter.

One more tip, with chat.postMessage and other write methods, you should use an HTTP POST instead of a GET.


attachments='[{"title": "Try these - ","text": " Text ", "mrkdwn_in":["text"]}]'

Add the title to the attachment. It worked in my case.