
Reading on QRCodes on iOS with AVCaptureSession —

2019-07-23 18:08发布


We have implemented a QRCode reading function in iOS using the AVCaptureSession class, as described nicely here:

https://github.com/HEmobile/ScanBarCode/tree/master/ScanBarCodes https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AVFoundation/Reference/AVCaptureSession_Class/

But one thing we notice... the QRCode has to be aligned exactly vertically or horizontally. Oblique angles such as 45 degress does not trigger a scan. This issue doesn't really google, which is surprising.

Our experiments with other QRcode reading apps indicate that this limitation does not exist. Perhaps/seemingly (presumably -- since the built-in function is new) these apps don't use AVCaptureSession.

Our question is, is this a sign that Apple's version of this function is not mature yet? Or is there some option to enable or improve this capability?

Thanks for any thoughts.


It seems you've written some sort of limitation in your code. Check out my github repo: https://github.com/alexekoren/qr-3d

It was built specifically for reading QR Codes at angles in a pretty way. I'm testing it now and it pulls at 30-45 degrees easily.

Here's the direct link for everything you'll need to make the scanner object that can present on a UIView: https://github.com/AlexEKoren/QR-3D/blob/master/Code%20Scanner/Scanner/CSScanner.m

It should work out of the box!