Find a vector placed horizontally or vertically in

2019-07-23 18:17发布


I'm trying to find a vector B in a big matrix A.
B can be in multiple rows and one column of A, or multiple columns and one row of A.

For example:

A = [56  55  53  52  53;
     49  45  44  45  47;
     33  30  31  34  35;
     34  34  27  24  26;
     44  48  45  35  24;
     56  57  57  53  39;
     62  62  62  60  55;
     62  61  61  54  47;
     49  47  42  40  32;
     47  42  44  45  40];

B = [34 27 24];

I need a function that returns the row and col indices i.e. something like:
find(A, B) → 4th row, 2nd to 4th col (for the given example).

How to do this?


Benchmark between rahnema1 and m7913d

Horizontal and vertical matches

Benchmarking the solution of rahnema1 and m7913d using timeit for the given example (Small A) and one that is 100^2 larger (Large A), gives the following results:

Method   | Small A    | Large A
rahnema1 | 4.0416e-05 | 0.0187
m7913d   | 2.5242e-05 | 0.0129

Note that m7913d's solution is ~50% faster.

Horizontal (or vertical) matches only

If you are only interested in horizontal matches, the following results are obtained:

Method   | Small A    | Large A
rahnema1 | 9.6752e-06 | 0.0115
m7913d   | 5.8634e-06 | 0.0056

In this case, m7913d's solution is even more favorable, being up to ~100% faster.

Complete benchmark code

A=[56  55  53  52  53;
  49  45  44  45  47;
  33  30  31  34  35;
  34  34  27  24  26;
  44  48  45  35  24;
  56  57  57  53  39;
  62  62  62  60  55;
  62  61  61  54  47;
  49  47  42  40  32;
  47  42  44  45  40];
B=[34 27 24];
A_large = repmat(A, 100, 100);

t_m7913d = timeit(@() m7913d(A, B))
t_rahnema = timeit(@() rahnema1(A, B))

t_large_m7913d = timeit(@() m7913d(A_large, B))
t_large_rahnema = timeit(@() rahnema1(A_large, B))

 function [row_h, col_h, row_v, col_v] = m7913d(A, B)
    Ah = true(size(A) - [0 length(B)-1]);
    Av = true(size(A) - [length(B)-1 0]);
    for i=1:length(B)
        Ah= Ah & A(:, i:end-3+i) == B(i);
        Av= Av & A(i:end-3+i, :) == B(i);
    [row_h, col_h] = find(Ah);
    [row_v, col_v] = find(Av);

function [row_h, col_h, row_v, col_v] = rahnema1(A, B) 
    n = numel(B);
    C = A == reshape(B,1,1,n);
    mask_h = permute(eye(n),[3 2 1]);
    mask_v = permute(eye(n),[1 3 2]);
    [row_h, col_h]=find(convn(C,mask_h,'valid')==n);
    [row_v, col_v]=find(convn(C,mask_v,'valid')==n);


We can typecast the matrix to char and use strfind to search the matrix:

%Horizontal search
A_str_h = typecast(A.','char');
B_str = typecast(B,'char');
charsize = numel(B_str)/numel(B);
pos_h = strfind(A_str_h,B_str)-1;
pos_h = pos_h(mod(pos_h,charsize)==0)/charsize+1;
[col_h row_h] = ind2sub(flip(size(A)),pos_h);
idx_h = col_h <= (size(A,2)-numel(B)+1);
row_h = row_h(idx_h);
col_h = col_h(idx_h);

%Vertical search
A_str_v = typecast(A,'char');
B_str = typecast(B,'char');
charsize = numel(B_str)/numel(B);
pos_v = strfind(A_str_v,B_str)-1;
pos_v = pos_v(mod(pos_v,charsize)==0)/charsize+1;
[row_v col_v] = ind2sub(size(A),pos_v);
idx_v = row_v <= (size(A,1)-numel(B)+1);
row_v = row_v(idx_v);
col_v = col_v(idx_v);

Another solution using convn:

n = numel(B);
C = A == reshape(B,1,1,n);
mask_h = permute(eye(n),[3 2 1]);
mask_v = permute(eye(n),[1 3 2]);
[xh yh]=find(convn(C,mask_h,'valid')==n);
[xv yv]=find(convn(C,mask_v,'valid')==n);

[xh yh] represents the starting positions of horizontal matches and [xv yv] represents the starting positions of vertical matches.

Here is the result of testing different methods setting A as a [2750 * 1250] matrix and different sizes for B:

Result shows that CONVN is less efficient than other methods and is not applicable for arrays of large sizes and STRFIND works best for all array sizes.

*Methods are tested in Octave.


For a fixed size of B, you can use the following approach:

[row, col] = find(A(:, 1:end-2) == B(1) & ...
                  A(:, 2:end-1) == B(2) & ...
                  A(:, 3:end) == B(3))

This will return row = 4 and col = 2, i.e. the location of B(1) in A.

See Find Array Elements That Meet a Condition for more information.

This can be extended to a variable size vector B using a for loop:

Ah = true(size(A) - [0 length(B)-1]);
for i=1:length(B)
    Ah= Ah & A(:, i:end-length(B)+i) == B(i);
[row, col] = find(Ah);

This can be easily extended to find occurrences of B horizontally and vertically as follows:

Ah = true(size(A) - [0 length(B)-1]);
Av = true(size(A) - [length(B)-1 0]);
for i=1:length(B)
    Ah= Ah & A(:, i:end-3+i) == B(i);
    Av= Av & A(i:end-3+i, :) == B(i);
[row_h, col_h] = find(Ah);
[row_v, col_v] = find(Av);


Note that nevertheless I'm using a for loop this method is faster than rahnema1's solution, especially if you are only interested in horizontal (or vertical) matches. Have a look at the benchmark for more information.