I have tried a lot to update protovis using jquery but nothing happens. here is my code.
<script type="text/javascript+protovis">
var minnesota = [{name:"job 1", values:[182904,196530,203944,192492,77393,81243]}]
minnesota = [{name:"changed job", values:[342,34234,2342,543]}]
function draw(){
var w = 200,
h = 30,
numberFormat = pv.Format.number(),
dateFormat = pv.Format.date("%B %Y");
/* Color by maximum number of people employed in that job. */
var c = pv.Scale.log(minnesota, function(d) pv.max(d.values))
.range("#ccc", "#1f77b4");
/* Tile the visualization for each job. */
var vis = new pv.Panel()
.height(h + 10)
/* A panel instance to store scales (x, y) and the mouseover index (i). */
var panel = vis.add(pv.Panel)
.def("i", -1)
.def("x", function(d) pv.Scale.linear(d.values, pv.index).range(0, w))
.def("y", function(d) pv.Scale.linear(0, pv.max(d.values)).range(0, h))
.event("mousemove", pv.Behavior.point(Infinity).collapse("y"));
/* The area. */
.data(function(d) d.values)
.fillStyle(function(d, p) panel.i() < 0 ? c(pv.max(p.values)) : "#2ca02c")
.left(function() panel.x()(this.index))
.height(function(d) panel.y()(d))
.event("point", function() panel.i(this.index))
.event("unpoint", function() panel.i(-1));
/* The x-axis. */
/* The mouseover dot. */
.visible(function() panel.i() >= 0)
.left(function() panel.x()(panel.i()))
.bottom(function(d) panel.y()(d.values[panel.i()]))
/* The label: either the job name, or the month and value. */
.left(function() panel.i() < 0 ? 0 : null)
.right(function() panel.i() < 0 ? null : 0)
.textAlign(function() panel.i() < 0 ? "left" : "right")
.textStyle(function() panel.i() < 0 ? "#999" : "#000")
.text(function(d) panel.i() < 0 ? d.name
: dateFormat(new Date(2000, panel.i() * 3, 1))
+ ": " + numberFormat(d.values[panel.i()]));
when document ready then it create charts but when I click button then it doesn't re draw chart. I've checked new data values with firebug which is fine but it doesn't update charts values. I've tried a lot to find solution but couldn't succeeded. Any trick?