I am writing a DAO Actor for MongoDB that uses ReactiveMongo. I want to implement some very simple CRUD operations, among which the ability to upsert many records in one shot. Since I have a reactive application (built on Akka), it's important for me to have idempotent actions, so I need the operation to be an upsert, not an insert.
So far I have the following (ugly) code to do so:
case class UpsertResult[T](nUpd: Int, nIns: Int, failed: List[T])
def upsertMany[T](l: List[T], collection: BSONCollection)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, w: BSONDocumentWriter[T]):
Future[UpsertResult[T]] = {
Future.sequence(l.map(o => collection.save(o).map(r => (o, r))))
results =>
val failed: List[T] = results.filter(!_._2.ok).unzip._1
val nUpd = results.count(_._2.updatedExisting)
UpsertResult(nUpd, results.size - nUpd - failed.size, failed)
}, t => t)
Is there an out-of-the-box way of upserting many records at once using the reactivemongo API alone?
I am a MongoDB beginner so this might sound trivial to many. Any help is appreciated!