Javascript Promise return value

2019-07-23 15:35发布


I am trying to make a crawler, and as the data is not showing in the page source, I can only execute the javascript with the web driver and get the response, and then do the data analysis. The script is simplified, like this, use Promise.

var res = ""

function f1() {
    p = window.Promise
    a = p.resolve(5).then(function(value) {
        res = value
        return res
    return a
console.log(f1()) // Promise object
console.log("result = ", res) // res is empty

My program is like this, writing with c#:

 public void GetParameters(string url)
            IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
            IJavaScriptExecutor js = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            string script = readFile(@"C:\myscript.js", Encoding.UTF8).TrimEnd(); // The script is a bit long, so I save it to a local file.
            var json = js.ExecuteScript(script);
            Console.WriteLine("Get the return value");

I want to get the value, and I know then always return Promise object, so I define a variable, and want to store the value to it. But seems that, the Promise is executed asynchronous, so the res always be empty.

OK, I'm writing a crawler, and use Selenium to get the response from the server (Selenium.webdriver can open a web browser, and then execute script), I need get the result, as it will use by another program. So, I can not just add another .then, just output the value. Maybe I can save to a local file, and then read it, but I think it is inefficient.

Anyone can help?


When you try to log the global res, the result hasn't been computed yet. When using Promises, you have to get the result asynchronously, using .then, like this:

f1().then(res => console.log("result =", res));


Try this You're using promises incorrectly.

f1().then(res => console.log('result=', res)).