Extract lines between two patterns with awk and a

2019-07-23 14:49发布


I'm searching for a way to extract the lines between two patterns with awk with the use of variables. Each section ends where the next one starts.

Example file:

info 1
info 2
info 3
info 4
info 5
info 6
[ WE_have_COokIES ]


awk '/^\[ SECTION_1 \]/{p=1;next} /^\[ [!-~]+ \]/{p=0} p' "${MY_FILE_PATH}"

I get what I want:

info 1
info 2
info 3

But I would like to have something like this:

function get { 
  awk '/^\[ "$1" \]/{p=1;next} /^\[ [!-~]+ \]/{p=0} p' "${MY_FILE_PATH}"

Nothing seems to work :( Any ideas or hints?


You're quoting it wrong with double quotes. Positional parameter $1 is not expanded in since it's still enclosed in single quotes. It should be:

function get { 
    awk '/^\[ '"$1"' \]/{p=1;next} /^\[ [!-~]+ \]/{p=0} f' "${MY_FILE_PATH}"

Perhaps another good way is to use -v. At least critical syntax errors may be avoided:

function get { 
    awk -v s="$1" '$0 ~ "^\\[ " s " \\]"{p=1;next} /^\[ [!-~]+ \]/{p=0} f' "${MY_FILE_PATH}"


It might be simpler/clearer as:

awk -v sect="$1" '/^\[ [!-~]+ \]/{ f = ($0 ~ "^\\[ " sect " \\]") } f' file


Here you have an entirely different approach using sed; It first uses a regular expression the get rid of the lines starting with [
and than it removes the empty lines.

$ sed 's/^\[.*//g' sections.txt | sed '/^$/d'
info 1
info 2
info 3
info 4
info 5
info 6