How can I get the result from my process without using a pool ?
(I'm willing to conserve an eye on the progression:
(print "\r",float(done)/total,"%",)
which can't be done using a pool as far I know)
def multiprocess(function, argslist, ncpu):
total = len(argslist)
done = 0
jobs = []
while argslist != []:
if len(mp.active_children()) < ncpu:
p = mp.Process(target=function,args=(argslist.pop(),))
print "\r",float(done)/total,"%",
#get results here
for job in jobs:
The processes are really short (<0.5 seconds) but I have around 1 million of them.
I saw this thread Can I get a return value from multiprocessing.Process? I tried to reproduce it but I couldn't make it work properly.
At your entire disposal for any further information.