I have a pattern, which I want to use twice, but with different values. For example:
.directive("day", function($scope){
return {
template: '<div>{{day}}</div>'
Can I use it in two another directive, but encapsulate 'day' to see result like that:
Especially if I want to keep binding value of all 'day'
you meant something like this?
app.directive('day', function(){
return {
scope: {
dayValue: '='
template: '<div>{{dayValue}}</div>'
app.directive('outerDirective', function(){
return {
link: function($scope){
$scope.days = [1,2,3];
template: '<day day-value="day" ng-repeat="day in days"></day>'
What you want is called an "isolate" scope where you bind an attribute of the directive from the local "isolate" scope to the parent scope.
app.directive('day', function(){
return {
scope: {
day: '='
template: '<div>{{day}}</div>'
<div ng-init="day1='Thursday'; day2='Friday'">
<div day="day1"></div>
<div day="day2"></div>
For more on directive scopes see the AngularJS $compile API Reference -- scope.