I have an angular control that I use to display a set of data looking roughly like the following example. Apart from a unique block, it has a number of repeating (but discrete) blocks of the same structure.
"person": {
"lastName": "Bettertester",
"firstName": "Fester",
"address": "Out in the woods 17",
"zipCode": "10666",
"place": "Back of beyond"
"contact1": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "555-987-654",
"relationship": "Aunt"
"contact2": {
"firstName": "Kherumple",
"lastName": "Whaduffle",
"phone": "555-666-000",
"relationship": "Imaginary friend"
"contact3": {
"firstName": "Kherumple",
"lastName": "Whaduffle",
"phone": "555-666-000",
"relationship": "Imaginary friend"
I have written an angularjs component to retrieve and display this structure but want to hand the repeating block off to another component.
angular.module('myModule').component('mainComponent', {
templateUrl : 'person.template.html',
controller : [ '$scope', '$http', function mainController($scope, $http) {
var self = this;
self.data = null;
$http.get(url).then(function(response) {
self.data = response.data;
}, function(response, status) {
console.warn("Error while loading data");
console.warn(" - response=", response);
console.warn(" - status=", status);
self.data = null;
} ]
The corresponding template:
<h1>Person information</h1>
<th class="label-column">First & last name</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.data.person.firstName}} {{$ctrl.data.person.lastName}}</td>
<th class="label-column">Address</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.data.person.address}}</td>
<th class="label-column">ZIP code & Place</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.data.person.zipCode}} {{$ctrl.data.person.place}}</td>
<contact details="{{$ctrl.data.contact1}}"></contact> <!-- passing the details like this sort of works -->
<contact details="{{$ctrl.data.contact2}}"></contact>
<contact details="$ctrl.data.contact3"></contact> <!-- passing the details like this does not work at all -->
The controller for the contact details looks as follows:
angular.module('myModule').component('contact', {
templateUrl : 'contact.template.html',
bindings : {
details : '@'
controller : [ '$scope', '$http', function contactController($scope, $http) {
var self = this;
console.log("- details=", self.details);
} ]
And the corresponding template:
<!-- this works -->
<th class="label-column">Everything</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.details}}</td>
<th class="label-column">First & last name</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.details.firstName}} {{$ctrl.details.lastName}}</td>
<th class="label-column">Phone</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.details.phone}}</td>
<th class="label-column">Relationship</th>
<td class="data">{{$ctrl.details.relationship}}</td>
<contact details="{{$ctrl.data.contact1}}"></contact>
<contact details="{{$ctrl.data.contact2}}"></contact>
<contact details="{{$ctrl.data.contact3}}"></contact>
<contact details="{{$ctrl.data.contact4}}"></contact>
My questions is how to correctly pass the contact details that are part of the mainComponent to the contactComponent in a way that lets me access its fields in the corresponding template. If I pass them without the curly braces, the contact component does not seem to get any data at all. If I pass them with the curly braces, the contact component seems to get them in a way, but not as correct json object as I am unable to access fields within the contact block. I'm sure I'm missing something trivial but did not manage to find out where I go wrong.