Ok guys, i need to implement this for a photo contest ... i have a main set of N pictures, and i need to generate the permutations of size 2 of those pics without having repetitions, for instance:
foo.png VS bar.png
is equal to
bar.png VS foo.png
Another thing, i can not pre generate al permutations each time, so i need a function that, given the previous permutation, will return me the next one (or NULL if the possible unique permutations are over).
I solved this problem with the following PHP function:
function getNextPermutation( $aPermutableItems, $iPermutationSize, $aPreviousPermutation = NULL )
$aNextPermutation = $aPreviousPermutation;
$iLastIndex = $iPermutationSize - 1;
$iPermutableItems = count($aPermutableItems);
// Any previous permutation ?
if( $aPreviousPermutation )
// Loop the elements backwards
for( $i = $iLastIndex; $i >= 0; $i-- )
// Can the current element be incremented without reaching the limit ?
if( ++$aNextPermutation[ $i ] >= $iPermutableItems )
// Increment the previous element
$iPrevValue = ++$aNextPermutation[ $i - 1 ];
// Reset the current element with the value of the previous plus one
$iNextValue = $aNextPermutation[ $i ] = $iPrevValue + 1;
// Skip the previous element because it was just incremented
// If one of the two elements reached the limit, we are in the exit condition
if( $iPrevValue >= $iPermutableItems || $iNextValue >= $iPermutableItems )
return FALSE;
// Limit still to be reached for the i-th element, skip previous ones
// Am i able to generate the first permutation ?
else if( $iPermutationSize <= $iPermutableItems )
$aNextPermutation = range( 0, $iLastIndex );
// Permutation impossible to generate because we don't have enough elements in the main set
$aNextPermutation = FALSE;
return $aNextPermutation;
So that:
$iPerm = 0;
$aPrev = NULL;
$aItems = array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 );
while( ($aPrev = getNextPermutation( $aItems, 2, $aPrev )) != FALSE )
echo sprintf( "%2d : %s\n", $iPerm++, implode( ', ', $aPrev ) );
Will output:
0 : 0, 1
1 : 0, 2
2 : 0, 3
3 : 0, 4
4 : 1, 2
5 : 1, 3
6 : 1, 4
7 : 2, 3
8 : 2, 4
9 : 3, 4
Now, i'd really like to add some entropy to it ... what i mean is, as you can see, the first item in combinations is often repeated ( 0,1 0,2 0,3 ), and in my case this is not good because i would see the same picture for 4 continuos permutations.
Is there a way to modify (or re implement) my algorithm to have something like (for instance):
0 : 0, 1
1 : 1, 2
2 : 0, 3
3 : 3, 4
4 : 0, 2
5 : 1, 3
6 : 0, 4
7 : 2, 3
8 : 2, 4
9 : 1, 4
Obviously i can't just shuffle the array of permutations, because as i wrote, i do not have the whole permutations array, but only the previous permutation that will give my the next one once my algorithm is applied.
PS: I have around 500 photos for each challenge, so storing bitmasks or things like those is not acceptable.