I am new to JavaScript and jsp.
I need to submit a form, which calculates some values from input fields and hide the div
which contains the input fields after submitting. After submitting another div
should become visible and show me the result and a new submit button which reload the jsp page again, so that I can calculate other values.
Everything is working, but one problem still remains. After the form was submitted and the calculation was done, the new div
with my result is shown but immediately the page reloads, so that I have no chance to see my result or press the new button for reloading the page.
Now I'm looking for a solution apart from using ajax and cookies for showing the result without reloading the jsp until I press the button for reloading.
This is my js code:
<script type="text/javascript">
counter = 3;
var myHash = {};
function addInput(e) {
//checking if current input field has already created a new input field.
if (!myHash.hasOwnProperty(e.name)) {
var element = document.createElement("input");
element.setAttribute("name", "number" + counter);
element.setAttribute("onkeyup", "addInput(this)");
element.setAttribute("onchange", "check(this)");
document.createTextNode("Zahl " + counter + ": "));
myHash[e.name] = "true";
function check(e) {
var str = e.value;
if (!(/^\d*.?\d*$|^\d*.?\d*$/.test(str))) {
e.value = "";
alert("Bitte nur Zahlen eingeben.\n(Nachkommastellen mit . oder , trennen)");
} else {
function visible() {
document.getElementById("form").setAttribute("style", "display:none");
.setAttribute("style", "display:block");
return false;
and here the important part of my jsp file:
<div id="form" style="width: 350px;">
<legend style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;">Der summende
Summanden Summer!</legend>
<form method="post">
Zahl 1: <input type="text" name="number1" onchange="check(this)" /><br />
Zahl 2: <input type="text" name="number2" onkeyup="addInput(this)"
onchange="check(this)" /><br />
<div id="inputs"></div>
<br /> <input type="submit" onclick="visible()" value="Summieren">
<input type="reset" onclick="window.location.reload()"
Map<String, String[]> params = request.getParameterMap();
double sum = 0;
String value = "";
for (String param : params.keySet()) {
value = request.getParameter(param);
value = value.replace(",", ".");
if (value != "") {
sum = Double.parseDouble(value) + sum;
<div id="result" style="display: none">
<input type="submit" onclick="return false;" value="Ergebnis">
Is there any solution for my problem?