I got this list of coins that i want to filter with that 3 optional parameters(Currency, quantity and year)
How can I set parameters in JPQL as optional? I dont want to do 9 "if else" for checking if its null
I got the function filtradoMonedas (filterCoins) that filter the object Moneda(coin) using that 3 OPTIONAL parameters but its not working if there´s a null parameter.
This just work well if dont set empty parameters, if cantidad or ano is "" returns exception of bad query. Just want it as an optional. Heres the method:
public List<Moneda> filtradoMonedas(Divisa divisa, BigDecimal cantidad,
BigDecimal ano){
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
Query consulta = em.createQuery("SELECT m FROM Moneda m "
+ "WHERE m.divisa = :divisa "
+ "AND m.cantidad= :cantidad "
+ "AND m.ano = :ano");
consulta.setParameter("divisa", divisa);
consulta.setParameter("cantidad", cantidad);
consulta.setParameter("ano", ano);
List<Moneda> filtradoMonedas = (List<Moneda>) consulta.getResultList();
// sincronizar los objetos devueltos con la base de datos
for (Moneda m : filtradoMonedas) {
return filtradoMonedas;