I'm trying to use a VB6 app consumed in a C# app. The VB6 App is a Winform app. To do this, I have modified the VB6 App (EXE) to a DLL. Then I've referenced it in my C# app. In my VB App, I've add a new Class with some methods just to open VB forms.
Everything works fine... except that if the form has many controls (30), the window is extremely slow to open (> 4s whereas < 1s in VB)
1/ Is this method good ?
2/ How to resolve this ?
EDIT : I know where is the problem but I don't know how to resolve it. The method which is very slow to execute contains a dozen of sql string concatened by a ";" and the method ex : sqlString = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS;SELECT * FROM PUBLISHERS..." OpenResultSet(strSelect) is called... a combobox is filled for each sql string