strust 2 (jquery plugin) show action exceptions as

2019-07-23 07:50发布


Can you tell me how can I get the action exceptions , convert and send them as json errors. I am using the strust2 jquery plugin to validate my forms with ajax. The framework will do it automatically by defining the sj:submit validate=true and annotating the actions

<s:form action="login">
    <s:textfield name="username" />
    <s:textfield name="password" />
    <sj:submit button="true" validate="true" />

The action is:

    @Validations(requiredStrings = 
     { @RequiredStringValidator(fieldName = "username", key = "validate.required"), 
       @RequiredStringValidator(fieldName = "password", key = "validate.required")}

    public String confirm(){



The canLogin may throws exception, eg. when it can not connect to database or shomething.

To serialze the excption I added below:

<result name="error.core" type="json">
        <param name="ignoreHierarchy">false</param>
        <param name="includeProperties">
              actionErrors\[\d+\], fieldErrors\..+$,actionMessages\[\d+\]</param>

When I submit the form with invalid data, the form validates correctly. When an exception rasies the page is not serializing json results.

During debug I found that two json calls are made to server, one with:

  1. All form data's
  2. struts.enableJSONValidation
  3. struts.validateOnly

and one only with all for data's


I finally find the answer! Hope be useful for others...

The goal is catch bussiness exception and show them to user as ajax validation exceptions.

Set the target of the sj:form to some dummy div analyze, your data and do what you want.

The jsp will be

    <sj:submit button="true" targets="dummy"
        validateFunction="formValidator" onBeforeTopics="removeErrors"
        onSuccessTopics="formServerErrorAnalyze" validate="true"
        key="form.btn.transfer"  />

The js will be

$.subscribe("formServerErrorAnalyze", function(event, data) {
        var data =;
            if (data=='Some Exception from server')
                //Do some thing to show error.
                //eg: $("#formerrors").html(data)

        else {
            // Put the content of dummy node into content and remove dummy html
            var working = $("#dummy").contents();
            var ref = $("#content").contents();

There is a bug in struts-jquery. If you do not set the target of sj:submit the tag onSuccessTopics will not fire! If this is solved, you do not need the dummy div any more.