I've written some convenience wrappers around standard CMake commands and want to unit-test this CMake script code to ensure its functionality.
I've made some progress, but there are two things I hope to get help with:
- Is there some "official" way of unit-testing your own CMake script code? Something like a special mode to run CMake in? My goal is "white-box testing" (as much as possible).
- How do I handle the global variables and the variable scopes issues? Inject Global variables into the test via loading the a project's cache, configure the test CMake file or pushing it via -D command line option? Simulation/Testing of variable scopes (cached vs. non-cached, macros/functions/includes, parameters passed by references)?
To start with I've looked into the CMake source code (I'm using CMake version 2.8.10) under /Tests and especially under Tests/CMakeTests. There is a huge number of varieties to be found and it looks like a lot of them are specialized on a single test case.
So I looked also into some available CMake script libraries like CMake++ to see their solution, but those - when they have unit tests - are heavily depending on their own library functions.
Here is my current solution for unit-testing my own CMake script code.
By the assumption that using CMake Script processing mode is my best catch and that I have to mock the CMake commands that are not usable in script mode I - so far - came up with the following.
The Helper Functions
Utilizing my own global properties, I have written helper functions to store and compare function calls:
function(cmakemocks_clearlists _message_type)
_get_property(_list_names GLOBAL PROPERTY MockLists)
if (NOT "${_list_names}" STREQUAL "")
foreach(_name IN ITEMS ${_list_names})
_get_property(_list_values GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name})
if (NOT "${_list_values}" STREQUAL "")
foreach(_value IN ITEMS ${_list_values})
_message(${_message_type} "cmakemocks_clearlists(${_name}): \"${_value}\"")
_set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name} "")
function(cmakemocks_pushcall _name _str)
_message("cmakemocks_pushcall(${_name}): \"${_str}\"")
_set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY MockLists "${_name}")
_set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ${_name} "${_str}")
function(cmakemocks_popcall _name _str)
_get_property(_list GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name})
set(_idx -1)
list(FIND _list "${_str}" _idx)
if ((NOT "${_list}" STREQUAL "") AND (NOT ${_idx} EQUAL -1))
_message("cmakemocks_popcall(${_name}): \"${_str}\"")
list(REMOVE_AT _list ${_idx})
_set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name} ${_list})
_message(FATAL_ERROR "cmakemocks_popcall(${_name}): No \"${_str}\"")
function(cmakemocks_expectcall _name _str)
_message("cmakemocks_expectcall(${_name}): \"${_str}\" -> \"${ARGN}\"")
_set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY MockLists "${_name}")
string(REPLACE ";" "|" _value_str "${ARGN}")
_set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ${_name} "${_str} <<<${_value_str}>>>")
function(cmakemocks_getexpect _name _str _ret)
if(NOT DEFINED ${_ret})
_message(SEND_ERROR "cmakemocks_getexpect: ${_ret} given as _ret parameter in not a defined variable. Please specify a proper variable name as parameter.")
_message("cmakemocks_getexpect(${_name}): \"${_str}\"")
_get_property(_list_values GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name})
set(_value_str "")
foreach(_value IN ITEMS ${_list_values})
set(_idx -1)
string(FIND "${_value}" "${_str}" _idx)
if ((NOT "${_value}" STREQUAL "") AND (NOT ${_idx} EQUAL -1))
list(REMOVE_ITEM _list_values "${_value}")
_set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name} ${_list_values})
string(FIND "${_value}" "<<<" _start)
string(FIND "${_value}" ">>>" _end)
math(EXPR _start "${_start} + 3")
math(EXPR _len "${_end} - ${_start}")
string(SUBSTRING "${_value}" ${_start} ${_len} _value_str)
string(REPLACE "|" ";" _value_list "${_value_str}")
set(${_ret} "${_value_list}" PARENT_SCOPE)
The Mockups
By adding mockups like:
string(REPLACE ";" " " _str "${ARGN}")
cmakemocks_pushcall(MockLibraries "${_str}")
macro(get_target_property _var)
string(REPLACE ";" " " _str "${ARGN}")
set(${_var} "[NULL]")
cmakemocks_getexpect(MockGetTargetProperties "${_str}" ${_var})
The Tests
I can write a test like this:
cmakemocks_expectcall(MockGetTargetProperties "MyLib TYPE" "STATIC_LIBRARY")
my_add_library(MyLib "src/Test1.cc")
cmakemocks_popcall(MockLibraries "MyLib src/Test1.cc")
And include it into my CMake projects with:
NAME TestMyCMake
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P "MyUnitTests.cmake"
How do I handle the global variables and the variable scopes issues?
Inject Global variables into the test via loading the a project's
cache, configure the test CMake file or pushing it via -D command line
Generally speaking all currently existing methods (via cache, via environment variables and via -D command line) are a bad choice in one or another case as involving unpredictable behaviour.
This is a least list of issues i can recall:
- Which one variable could intersect/overlap another one and when?
- Variables load or set can not be applied out of cmake detection stage (for example, in cmake script mode).
- The same unique variable can not hold different values for different OS/compilers/configurations/architectures and so on.
- Variables can not be attached to a package (not scope) term represented by system functions like
or add_subdirectory
I've used variables inside cmake lists a long time and decided to write my own solution to cut off them all at once out of the cmake lists.
The idea is to write a standalone parser through a cmake script to load variables from a file or set of files and define a set of rules to enable variables set in predefined or strict order with check on collisions and overlapping.
Here a list of several features:
bool A=ON
is equal to bool A=TRUE
is equal to bool A=1
path B="c:\abc"
is equal on the Windows to path B="C:\ABC"
(explicit path
variable instead of a string which is by default)
is equal on the Windows to B_ROOT="C:\ABC"
(variable's type detection by the ending of a variable name)
sets only in the Windows, when LIB1:UNIX="/lib/lib1"
sets only in the Unix (a variable specialization).
, LIB1:WIN:MSVC:RELEASE=$/{LIB1}\msvc_release
- variables reusing via expansion and specialization
I can not said everything here, but you can take as an example the tacklelib
library (https://sourceforge.net/p/tacklelib/tacklelib/HEAD/tree/trunk/) to research the implementation on your own.
The example of described configuration files is stored here: https://sourceforge.net/p/tacklelib/tacklelib/HEAD/tree/trunk/config/
The implementation:
As a mandatory the cmake list must be initialized through the configure_environment(...)
Read the readme file for the details around the tacklelib
The entire project currently is an experimental.
Write a parser script on the cmake is a tough task, read at least these issues for the start:
;-escape list implicit unescaping
: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/18946
Not paired
[characters breaks "file(STRINGS"
: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/19156
Is there some "official" way of unit-testing your own CMake script code?
Something like a special mode to run CMake in? My goal is "white-box testing" (as much as possible).
I did my own "white-box" or a way of testing my own scripts. I have write a set of modules (which itself dependent to the library) to run test in a separate cmake process:
My tests built on it:
The idea is to put into the tests directory a hierarchy of directories and files with tests and the runner code would just search for the tests in predefined order to execute each test in a separate cmake process:
function(tkl_testlib_enter_dir test_dir)
# Algorithm:
# 1. Iterate not recursively over all `*.include.cmake` files and
# call to `tkl_testlib_include` function on each file, then
# if at least one is iterated then
# exit the algorithm.
# 2. Iterate non recursively over all subdirectories and
# call to the algorithm recursively on each subdirectory, then
# continue.
# 3. Iterate not recursively over all `*.test.cmake` files and
# call to `tkl_testlib_test` function on each file, then
# exit the algorithm.
, where set of functions can be used both from a runner cmake script or *.include.cmake
Where TestLib.cmake
is designed to run cycle over creation external cmake processes with a test module - *.test.cmake
and these functions should be called from a runner script or from an include module (groups other include modules - *.include.cmake
or test modules - *.test.cmake
tkl_testlib_enter_dir test_dir
tkl_testlib_include test_dir test_file_name
tkl_testlib_test test_dir test_file_name
Where TestModule.cmake
automatically includes in all *.test.cmake
modules in which you have to put your testing code.
After that you just use tkl_test_assert_true
inside a *.test.cmake
module to mark a test as succeeded or failed.
Additionally, you can use filter parameters in the runner scripts in the _scripts
subdirectory to filter tests out:
--path_match_filter <[+]regex_include_match_expression> | <-regex_exclude_match_expression>[;...]
--test_case_match_filter <[+]regex_include_match_expression> | <-regex_exclude_match_expression>[;...]
- The
does traverse the entire directory with tests by predefined rules, you just need to make sure the correct hierarchy and naming to order the testing.
- Usage of a per directory basis separate inclusion file
to exclusive inclusion or to reorder the tests in the directory and its descedants.
- Existence of a
file is the only requirement to put the test to running by default. To exclusively include or exclude the test you can start use command line flags --path_match_filter ...
and --test_case_match_filter ...
- Mostly all test functions has implemented through the
keyword, which a bit reduces the functionality of several functions. For example, the tkl_test_assert_true
can only mark the test is succeeded or failed. To explicitly interrupt the test you have make the branching through the call to tkl_return_if_failed
- All files in the directory with the tests must have the suffix,
- for a test, and .include.cmake
- for inclusion commands. All builtin search logic depends on it.
- You have write you own runner to call the script
. The example of a run all
on the unix shell could be found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/tacklelib/tacklelib/HEAD/tree/trunk/cmake_tests/_scripts/test_all.sh
The entire project currently is an experimental.