Is it possible to create the nested element for any ant task. For e.g.
<copy todir="../backup/dir">
<fileset dir="src_dir"/>
<filter token="TITLE" value="Foo Bar"/>
Here for the task copy we are having nested element as filterset. Now, i would like to create my own nested element encryptfilterset for the task copy.
<copy todir="../backup/dir">
<fileset dir="src_dir"/>
<filter token="TITLE" value="Foo Bar"/>
How can we do that?
we have to extend the existing task to create CustomTask
and now to support the custom nested element XYZ create a method in your new class
public XYZ createXYZ();
public void addXYZ(XYZ obj)
public void addXYZ(XYZ obj)
<taskdef name="CustomTask" classname="com.ant.task.Customtask">
<path location="lib/"/>
<typedef name="XYZ" classname="com.ant.type.XYZ" >
<path location="lib/"/>
<target name="MyTarget" >
So my files looked like:-
public class CopyEncrypted extends Copy {
public EncryptionAwareFilterSet createEncryptionAwareFilterSet()
EncryptionAwareFilterSet eafilterSet = new EncryptionAwareFilterSet();
getFilterSets().addElement( eafilterSet );
return eafilterSet;
public class EncryptionAwareFilterSet extends FilterSet{
public synchronized void readFiltersFromFile(File file)
throws BuildException {
log("EncryptionAwareFilterSet::reading filters",0);
Vector<Filter> filts = getFilters();
for (Iterator iterator = filts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Filter filter = (Filter);
if ( filter.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase( "PASSWORD" ) ){
filter.setValue( Encryptor.getEncryptedValue ( filter.getValue() ) );
<target name="encrypted-copy" >
<CopyEncrypted todir="dist/xyz/config" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="config"/>
<filtersfile file="conf/properties/" />
You can create your own macrodef
(this is just an example)
<macrodef name="myCopy">
<attribute name="todir" />
<element name="path" />
<copy todir="@{todir}">
I would play around with macrodef there are a few examples out there