I have a custom image (512 x 512) If I use this image maps doesn't render it because it's too big. I have to shrink the size of the image down. I want to make it about 22 x 32, which is about the size of an icon. I can shrink the image down on my desktop using MS Paint or Paint Shop Pro, but when I open it in maps it looks blurry. Some of the quality has been degraded.
- Is there a way to set the size in the marker options so I can still use the original image?
- If not, does anyone know how to shrink an image without loosing quality?'
I tried setting the size in the code below but nothing gets rendered on the map.
var image = {
url: '/Images/orange_guy.png', // image is 512 x 512
size: new google.maps.Size(22, 32),
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: { lat: location.Lat, lng: location.Long },
map: map,
icon: image