Edit: Made title a bit clearer.
I am trying to wrap glibc's __assert_fail
and __assert_perror_fail
functions with my own that log the messages using syslog
I have verified that if I fail an assert my functions get called. The problem lies in libzmq's assertions. libzmq's assertions only invoke my wrapper functions when I build with -static
I patched libzmq to call
instead offprintf(stderr, ...)
, and I have verified that it correctly calls__assert_*
.I also patched libzmq to randomly have assertion failures from within the zmq_assert macros so that I can easily reproduce. If the patch is wanted, I will put it up.
Here is some test code
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zmq.h>
extern "C" void
__wrap___assert_perror_fail(int __errnum, const char *__file,
unsigned int __line, const char *__function)
fprintf(stderr, "TESTING123:: %s:%u %s: Unexpected error: %s.\n",
__file, __line, __function, strerror(__errnum));
extern "C" void
__wrap___assert_fail(const char *__assertion, const char *__file,
unsigned int __line, const char *__function)
fprintf(stderr, "TESTING123:: %s:%u %s: Assertion '%s' failed.\n",
__file, __line, __function, __assertion);
int main()
#ifdef DO_ASSERT
assert(1 == 0);
void *ctx = zmq_init(0);
void *req = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ);
void *rep = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ);
zmq_bind(rep, "inproc://inproc-1");
zmq_connect(req, "inproc://inproc-1");
unsigned long long c = 0;
while (1) {
zmq_msg_t msg;
zmq_msg_init_size(&msg, 1024);
zmq_send(req, &msg, 0);
zmq_recv(rep, &msg, 0);
zmq_send(rep, &msg, 0);
zmq_recv(req, &msg, 0);
if (c % 1000000 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "processed %llu messages\n", c);
return 0;
Which I build 4 ways with/without DO_ASSERT, dynamic/static
$ g++ -DDO_ASSERT -o t-me-dyn t.cc -Wl,-wrap,__assert_fail -Wl,-wrap,__asser_perror_fail -lzmq -lpthread -luuid -lrt
$ g++ -static -DDO_ASSERT -o t-me-sta t.cc -Wl,-wrap,__assert_fail -Wl,-wrap,__asser_perror_fail -lzmq -lpthread -luuid -lrt
$ g++ -o t-zmq-dyn t.cc -Wl,-wrap,__assert_fail -Wl,-wrap,__asser_perror_fail -lzmq -lpthread -luuid -lrt
$ g++ -static -o t-zmq-sta t.cc -Wl,-wrap,__assert_fail -Wl,-wrap,__asser_perror_fail -lzmq -lpthread -luuid -lrt
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.7.1/../../../../lib/libzmq.a(libzmq_la-ip.o): In function 'zmq::resolve_ip_interface(sockaddr_storage*, unsigned int*, char const*)':
(.text+0x49b): warning: Using 'getaddrinfo' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
And I get the following when running them
$ for bin in t-{me,zmq}-{dyn,sta}; do echo ==== $bin ====; ./$bin; done
==== t-me-dyn ====
TESTING123:: t.cc:29 int main(): Assertion '1 == 0' failed.
==== t-me-sta ====
TESTING123:: t.cc:29 int main(): Assertion '1 == 0' failed.
==== t-zmq-dyn ====
t-zmq-dyn: lb.cpp:142: int zmq::lb_t::send(zmq_msg_t*, int): Assertion 'rc == 0' failed.
==== t-zmq-sta ====
TESTING123:: lb.cpp:142 int zmq::lb_t::send(zmq_msg_t*, int): Assertion 'rc == 0' failed.
So what am I doing wrong? According to man ld
If you link other code with this file using --wrap malloc, then all calls to "malloc" will call the function "__wrap_malloc" instead.
which is not what I am seeing.