whenever I run this code i get the error of undefined variable $d, so i noticed i have to pass the variable from the controller to the view. I am new to MVC, hence why i would be grateful if someone helps me with this issue.
This is my implementation so far: **
class ControllerModuleGetstoreproducts extends Controller{
public function index() {
$object = new ModelGetstoreproducts();
$d = $object->fetch();
require_once "getstoreproducts.php";
function returndata(){
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
class ModelGetstoreproducts{
function fetch(){
$sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM oc_product';
$req = @mysql_query($sql);
return @mysql_fetch_object($req);
//return $req;
<p>The total is <?php var_dump($d) ?></p>