I use Hyperledger Fabric 1.2 to build a blockchain cluster, which contains 3 peers and 3 orderers. I can successfully deploy and invoke the chaincode via both CLI and Java SDK. Everything works fine. However, when I notice the service discovery function and try to use it, I met two problems. First, after I build the discover tool and try to use it to get some discovered information, I can't access the peer and get the message as follow
"failed connecting to discovery service: failed to create new connection: context deadline exceeded"
The config command is
discover --configFile conf.yaml --userKey ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.forchain.com/peers/peer0.org1.forchain.com/msp/keystore/7458b29b1fb6a89768585430dbf0e522a40ff4aefe600fc1e4fafe62c3c972e4_sk --userCert ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.forchain.com/peers/peer0.org1.forchain.com/msp/signcerts/peer0.org1.forchain.com-cert.pem --MSP Org1MSP saveConfig
The query command is
discover --configFile conf.yaml peers --channel lajiao --server localhost:6051
I guess it may be caused by the TLS config so I canceled the TLS and tried again. This time I successfully access the peer and get some messages, but I met another problem. When I use 'discover peers xxx ' command, I always get null
result, in fact there are two peers in that channel. When I use 'discover endorsers xxx'
command, I always get the following error message
'failed constructing descriptor for chaincodes:'
In the meantime, the peer log outputs the following message:
'Principal set computation failed: chaincode isn't installed on sufficient organizations required by the endorsement policy 2018-08-01 10:21:50.860 UTC [discovery] chaincodeQuery -> ERRO 1441 Failed constructing descriptor for chaincode chaincodes: ,: chaincode isn't installed on sufficient organizations required by the endorsement policy'
I can assure that the chaincode is successfully installed in all peers. And I didn't use the endorsement policy when I instantiated the chaincode. I think it is not the policy problem because I still can invoke the chaincode and propose a transaction. I also tried to use the Java SDK and found that I can get the orderer nodes info but I can't get the other peer nodes or chaincode info. The log always output: "Discover of chaincode names was empty.". But the chaincode is definitely instantiated and can be invoke via SDK. I refered to the test code in "org.hyperledger.fabric.sdkintegration.ServiceDiscoveryIT" and some key Java code is as follow:
channel.addPeer(peer, createPeerOptions().setPeerRoles(EnumSet.of(Peer.PeerRole.SERVICE_DISCOVERY,Peer.PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, Peer.PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE,Peer.PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY)));
System.out.println("================ orderer ===============");
for (Orderer orderer : channel.getOrderers()) {
System.out.println("================ peer ===============");
for (Peer p: channel.getPeers()) {
System.out.println("================ chaincode ===============");
for (String s: channel.getDiscoveredChaincodeNames()) {
So, how can I use the 'discover' command under TLS configuration and how can I get the discovered information?