RequestHeader doesn’t contain the request body at

2019-07-22 19:18发布


I wonder, how to get a body from the request if in the doc:

trait RequestHeader extends AnyRef
The HTTP request header. Note that it doesn’t contain the request body yet.

That seems from very 2.0 version ..

Trying to get example of async handing the request's body. In order to log it to file.

object AccessLoggingFilter extends EssentialFilter {

      def apply(inputAction: EssentialAction) = new EssentialAction { request =>

    val accessLogger = Logger("access")

    def apply(requestHeader: RequestHeader): Iteratee[Array[Byte], Result] = { ..."""Request:
            Body             = ${requestHeader.???} """)

There are some philosophical answers on SO, here for example. But I would not call it answer..


Yes, play doesn't allow to access the body of the request in the filter stage.

If you only want to log the body, you can create a new action for that and compose it.

This is an example from play 2.6

def withLogging(action: Action[AnyContent]): Action[AnyContent] = {
    Action.async(action.parser) { request =>
      request.body match {
        case AnyContentAsJson(json) =>"JSON body was: " + Json.stringify(json))
        case _ => //implement more logging of different body types

  def foo = withLogging(Action.async(cc.parsers.anyContent) { implicit request =>
    // do your stuff

If you have only json endpoints, you can write a specific action for that.