Nokia Here JavaScript API disables pinch zoom in i

2019-07-22 19:00发布


I've just started using the Nokia Here API and it works great, but I've noticed that the maps disable pinch zoom on iOS, on both iPhone and iPad.

Here's an example:

Works fine across most browsers on a desktop, but pinch zooming is not possible on iOS. (Haven't tested on Android.) This happens even when I turn off the Behavior component.



A basic pinch zoom functionality does exist in the HERE Maps API for Javascript - you just need to include the Behavior component as shown.

var map = new, {
    // initial center and zoom level of the map
    center: [52.51, 13.4],
    zoomLevel: 10,
    components: [
        // We add the behavior component to allow panning / zooming of the map

To take a couple of examples

  • Basic Map Components on
  • Headline news story from CNN News

If you don't include Behavior zoom will not work - here is an example

  • Basic Map - no Behavior on

I've just tested the examples using an iPad and they work fine for me.

According to the browser support matrix the API will work on Safari 5+ and iOS 4+