I'm trying to implement something-like-footer (same content/page for whole app) in my ModernUI WPF app. In mainwindow.xaml I have basic Menu (expanded examples)
<mui:LinkGroup DisplayName="Sports">
<mui:Link DisplayName="Home" Source="/Pages/Home.xaml"/>
<mui:Link DisplayName="Football" Source="/Pages/Sports/Football.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="Handball" Source="/Pages/Sports/Handball.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="Basketball" Source="/Pages/Sports/Basketball.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="Tennis" Source="/Pages/Sports/Tennis.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="Volleyball" Source="/Pages/Sports/Volleyball.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="Beach handball" Source="/Pages/Sports/BeachHandball.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="General settings" Source="/Pages/Settings.xaml" />
<mui:Link DisplayName="About" Source="/Pages/About.xaml" />
I have tried adding <mui:ModernWindow.MenuLinkGroups>
to grid element, however I get The member "MenuLinkGroups" is not recognized or is not accessible error.
I have also tried using <mui:ModernFrame>
element and adding source with my constant content, after </mui:ModernWindow.MenuLinkGroups>
however it doesn't work (it isn't rendered at all).
Any ideas or advices how to get something like footer in ModernUI are highly appreciated.
Many thanks!