
Joomla - Where is the code in K2 which saves a new

2019-07-22 18:02发布


I have looked every where in the administrator\components\com_k2 folder but am not able to find the code that saves a new item\article in K2. I checked the item.php file under models folder. No luck.

I need to override the K2 item save method.

I need a know the exact method that saves the Item's title and alias into the #__K2_content table.

I have to duplicate the K2 items in joomla articles on save and remove on trash/delete.

I have successfully been able to override the K2 core code. But am unable to find the right code to override. (override method is here)


The table that stores the K2 items (at least in the latest K2 version - 2.6.5) is #__k2_items, not #__k2_content.

I went through the code, it looks like K2 uses Joomla's methods: see administrator/components/com_k2/controllers/item.php - line 24: function save(). Everything is extended from Joomla classes.

class K2ControllerItem extends K2Controller

    public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = array())
        JRequest::setVar('view', 'item');

    function save()
        JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token');
        $model = $this->getModel('item');

The K2 controller: /administrator/components/com_k2/controllers/controller.php

else if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5', 'ge'))
    class K2Controller extends JController
        public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
            parent::display($cachable, $urlparams);




@Shaz, you gave me the right direction to look into.

in com_k2\controllers\item.php this $model->save();saves the data.

The function save() is in the com_k2\models\item.php file, where there are two lines that capture the data.

$row = JTable::getInstance('K2Item', 'Table');

this initiates the $row, while

if (!$row->bind(JRequest::get('post')))

this populates $row.

So now $row contains all the variable values.

Now, this if (!$row->store()) saves the data.

I will use $row to save the same for the Joomla! articles in com_content.

Feels Good :)