There may be a better way of doing this and if there is please share. I have a list of ids that I would like to use to select certain elements with. For example lets say I have the following XML
<ANSWER calculatedValue="8917.51"
desc="Additional Features"
id="ADDTL" />
<ANSWER calculatedValue="1997.16"
id="APP" />
<ANSWER calculatedValue="6988.94"
id="ELE" />
<ANSWER calculatedValue="21184.22"
desc="Exterior Finish"
id="EXT" />
I want to get the sum of the calculatedValues where the ids are ADDTL, APP and ELE. I could do this:
sum(ANSWER[@id = 'ADDTL' or @id = 'APP' or @id = 'ELE']/@calculatedValue)
Is there a way to do something like this:
sum(ANSWER[@id in ('ADDTL,APP,ELE')]/@calculatedValue)
In actual usage this list will be around 15 ids. I could probably use tokenize and index-of to do this but I was wondering if there was something like the SQL "IN" for XPATH. Thoughts, ideas. If worse comes to worse I will just use the "or"s.