如何克隆的UIElement中的WinRT XAML C#?(How to clone UIElem

2019-07-22 13:51发布


var objClone = new MyImageControl();
objClone = this;

然后我检查这个和这个 ,但的XamlWriter和XamlReader不可在WinRT中。 我曾尝试使用MemberwiseClone() ,但它会抛出异常,“不能使用已从与其基础RCW分开COM对象。 System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidComObjectException ”。 因此,谁能告诉我怎么可以克隆在我的画布现有的用户控件本身?

Answer 1:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using System.Reflection;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

namespace UIElementClone
    public static class UIElementExtensions
        public static T DeepClone<T>(this T source) where T : UIElement

            T result;

            // Get the type
            Type type = source.GetType();

            // Create an instance
            result = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as T;

            CopyProperties<T>(source, result, type);

            DeepCopyChildren<T>(source, result);

            return result;

        private static void DeepCopyChildren<T>(T source, T result) where T : UIElement
            // Deep copy children.
            Panel sourcePanel = source as Panel;
            if (sourcePanel != null)
                Panel resultPanel = result as Panel;
                if (resultPanel != null)
                    foreach (UIElement child in sourcePanel.Children)
                        // RECURSION!
                        UIElement childClone = DeepClone(child);

        private static void CopyProperties<T>(T source, T result, Type type) where T : UIElement
            // Copy all properties.

            IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties = type.GetRuntimeProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                if (property.Name != "Name") // do not copy names or we cannot add the clone to the same parent as the original.
                    if ((property.CanWrite) && (property.CanRead))
                        object sourceProperty = property.GetValue(source);

                        UIElement element = sourceProperty as UIElement;
                        if (element != null)
                            UIElement propertyClone = element.DeepClone();
                            property.SetValue(result, propertyClone);
                                property.SetValue(result, sourceProperty);
                            catch (Exception ex)


Answer 2:

你可以多试的XamlWriter和XamlReader其他串行实现通过您的链接相同的效果。 例如,使用ServiceStack.Text到JSON序列化的对象为一个字符串,然后从那个字符串的新对象,并将其添加到父。

文章来源: How to clone UIElement in WinRT XAML C#?