I have this question for which I provided a solution. However, I don't feel that is as efficient as it could be:
using (DataContext context = new DataContext(SqlConnection)
var custInfo = context.GetTable<tbl_CustomerInfo>();
string compID = ImportCust.Rows[0]["CompanyID"].ToString();
var imports = from cust in ImportCust.AsEnumerable()
select cust.Field<int>("CustomerID");
var dupes = from import in imports
join cust in custInfo
on import equals cust.CustomerID
where cust.CompanyID== pivnum
select cust;
var records = dupes.GetEnumerator();
while (records.MoveNext())
{ custInfo.DeleteOnSubmit(records.Current); }
I have used Stopwatch
to look at elapsed time spanning iteration of records
to completion of SubmitChanges
. The elapsed times seem to have no rhyme or reason:
10666 records completed in 20 seconds
15425 records completed in 12 seconds
289 records completed in 21 seconds
Obviously, one thing that would speed things up is if I were to drop indexes. Can that be done programmatically? In addition, is there a better method than what I have provided?