I'm having trouble getting the boost serialization module to work with OpenCV's IplImage struct. Here is my code for serializing an IplImage (along with some JSON data in a custom struct)
template <class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) const
// First things first; save the essential variables
// These are needed as input to the create function of IplImage
ar & frame->width;
ar & frame->height;
ar & frame->depth;
ar & frame->nChannels;
ar & frame->widthStep;
ar & frame->imageSize;
// ar & frame->nSize;
// ar & frame->ID;
// ar & frame->dataOrder;
// ar & frame->origin;
// ar & frame->align;
// ar & frame->widthStep;
// ar & frame->imageSize;
// Then save the actual image data
ar & boost::serialization::make_array<char>(frame->imageData, (frame->width * frame->height * frame->nChannels) + 1);
std::string metaString = meta.dump();
ar & metaString; // ...and don't forget the meta data
Here is my code for deserializing the same struct
template <class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
int width;
int height;
int depth;
int nChannels;
int widthStep;
int imageSize;
ar & width;
ar & height;
ar & depth;
ar & nChannels;
ar & widthStep;
ar & imageSize;
// Create the image header with this knowledge
frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), depth, nChannels);
frame->widthStep = widthStep;
frame->imageSize = imageSize;
// And grab the rest of the data
// ar & frame->nSize;
// ar & frame->ID;
// ar & frame->dataOrder;
// ar & frame->origin;
// ar & frame->align;
// ar & frame->widthStep;
// ar & frame->imageSize;
// Now we have all the variables, we can load the actual image data
ar & boost::serialization::make_array<char>(frame->imageData, (width * height * nChannels) + 1);
// Deserialize the json data
std::string metaString;
ar & metaString;
meta = json(metaString);
The resulting image I obtain after deserializing has pixel noise at the bottom of the image
At serialization:
At deserialization: