Text to be processed :
output desired :
Tried with :
echo -e '""text""\n"text"\n""' | sed -e 's/"".*""/".*"/g'
But obviously no luck.
Text to be processed :
output desired :
Tried with :
echo -e '""text""\n"text"\n""' | sed -e 's/"".*""/".*"/g'
But obviously no luck.
You want to use a backreference (something that refers to a previously matched part) in your sed command :
echo -e '""text""\n"text"\n""' | sed -E -e 's/""(.*)""/"\1"/g'
Here are the modifications I did :
xtended regex so I wouldn't have to escape the grouping parenthesisBased on your sample input, you could just use this:
sed '/^""$/! s/""/"/g' file
On lines which don't only contain two double quotes, globally replace all pairs of double quotes with one double quote.
$ sed 's/"\("[^"]*"\)"/\1/' file
Could you please try following awk command and let me know if this helps you.
awk -v s1="\"" '!/^\"\"$/{gsub(/\"\"/,s1)} 1' Input_file
Another approach
cat file | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/^/"/g' | sed 's/$/"/g'
sed 's/"//g'
remove all double quote
sed 's/^/"/g'
put a double quote at the beginning of each line
sed 's/$/"/g'
put a double quote at the end of each line
This approach will work only if there is one word per line, like in your example.
Answer by Aaron is also fine but back-referencing is costlier in general. Why not use a simpler command:
echo -e '""text""\n"text"\n""' | sed 's/""*/"/g'
Regex to replace more than one double quote to single one.
echo -e '""text""\n"text"\n""' |awk '/""text""/{gsub(/""/,"\42")}1'