choosing nodes color according to their name

2019-07-22 09:56发布


I have many igraph objects representing connections among member of different groups. A simple example of my graph data sets is like as follows:

m<-matrix(data = c("a1_ghj",    "a1_phj",
                   "b2_ghj",    "c1_pht",
                   "c1_ght",    "a1_ghi",
                   "g5_pht",    "d2_phj",
                   "r5_phj",    "u6_pht"), ncol = 2)


In the first case, I want to plot this graph regarding that each vertex name that have similar characters after the _ it means that they are in a same group and they should have a same random color. However, as the number of groups in different graphs are various, I don't know how coloring them can be possible in this case. Anyone can help on this issue?


You can use sub on the vertex names to get the suffixes. Then treat those as a factor to get different colors for each type of node.

Suffixes = factor(sub(".*_", "", names(V(g))))
 [1] ghj ghi phj pht ghj phj pht phj ght pht
Levels: ghi ghj ght phj pht
plot(g, vertex.color=rainbow(5)[Suffixes])