I have a situation where a bunch of functions are needing to wait for a promise to settle because it's the init function;
self.init=new Promise(function(resolve){
//do stuff, take awhile
But, while it's init'ing, the async nature means other functions that depend on it being init are being called. I want those functions to wait for the init to finish, then continue.
I tried doing this inside each function
function doSomethingUseful(){
self.init.reflect().then(function () {
//do functions purpose
function doSomethingUseless(){
self.init.reflect().then(function () {
//do functions purpose
But it only works randomly, probably only works if init has settled, and if it hasn't, it just hangs here, weirdly hangs the whole app, despite it being async.
I am trying to replace a former solution that involved intervals and checking a Boolean isInit in each function call.
Is there a bluebird function to do this? Or another way to keep waiting and checking on a promise to see if it is resolved?
The app has this sort of structure in a number of places. Usually around sqlite read/writes. An init to open the database, but while it's opening, the page is loading and it's already trying to read/write to the tables, so those read/writes are forced to wait by using setInterval and repeatedly checking to see if the init has finished.
Here's an example using google analytics.
function Analytics() {
var self = this;
self.ready = ko.observable(false).subscribeTo('application:ready'); //attached to page ready event in jquerymobile and cordova
self.trackerInit = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
ko.computed(function () {
if (self.ready()) {
window.ga.startTrackerWithId('id', 1000, resolve, reject);
Analytics.prototype.trackSpeed = function (cat, interval, variable, label) {
var self = this;
console.log("speed tracker", cat, interval, variable, label); //this logs
return self.trackerInit.then(function () {
console.log("speed tracker confirm init"); //this never logs, all execution stops including other async code
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
window.ga.trackTiming(cat, interval, variable, label, resolve, reject);
}).catch(function (e) {
if (e.message === "send timeout") {
return true; //who cares about timeouts anyways
} else {
throw e;//rethrow it
Function is called within page change event without a return, purely async. Calling it causes all execution to stop.
The ready ko is done like this
self.ready = ko.observable(false).publishOn('application:ready');
var deviceReady = new Promise(function (resolve) {
$(document).on('deviceready', resolve);
var pageReady = new Promise(function (resolve) {
$(document).on('pagecreate', resolve);
Promise.all([deviceReady, pageReady]).then(function () {
//a couple of page of code and...
Changing the init like this produces the same result of a hang when checking it's results
self.trackerInit = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
checker = setInterval(function () {
if (window.ga) {
console.log("ready init");
window.ga.startTrackerWithId('id', 100, function(){
console.log("init complete");
}, reject);
}, 1000);