The access to my server should be limited to some Remote hosts, and I want to allow Uptimerobot to monitor my server.
Currently uptimerobot gets always a 403 Forbidden.
I added Server.xml looks like this:
<Server .........>
<Service name="Catalina">
<Value className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteHostValve" allow=".*\.uptimerobot\.com" />
To match all hosts in this list UptimeRobot Whitelist
But after restarting server nothing changed, still 403.
I also tried to use a domain-name without wildcards like this:
But still 403,
I tried to enable hostnamelookups with adding
to the <Connector
tag, but again no effect.
But in my logs I see that the access is resolved to "" wich matches my RemoteHost-Pattern.
Any Ideas, why it is still forbidden ?
Access via IP with
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="63\.143\.42\.244"/>
is working. But I dont want to add the whole list of ips there.
Is it possible that RemoteAddrValve
and RemoteHostValve
are disturbing eachother ?