This post is related to the previous post here: match rows of two data.tables to fill subset of a data.table
Not sure how I can integrate them together. I have a situation where other than the NA for one column of DT1, a couple of more conditions should apply for merging, but that doesn't work.
> DT1 <- data.table(colA = c(1,1, 2,2,2,3,3), colB = c('A', NA, 'AA', 'B', NA, 'A', 'C'), timeA = c(2,4,3,4,6,1,4))
> DT1
colA colB timeA
1: 1 A 2
2: 1 <NA> 4
3: 2 AA 3
4: 2 B 4
5: 2 <NA> 6
6: 3 A 1
7: 3 C 4
> DT2 <- data.table(colC = c(1,1,1,2,2,3), timeB1 = c(1,3,6, 2,4, 1), timeB2 = c(2,5,7,3,5,4), colD = c('Z', 'YY', 'AB', 'JJ', 'F', 'RR'))
> DT2
colC timeB1 timeB2 colD
1: 1 1 2 Z
2: 1 3 5 YY
3: 1 6 7 AB
4: 2 2 3 JJ
5: 2 4 5 F
6: 3 1 4 RR
Using the same guideline as mentioned above, I'd like to merge ColD of DT2 to colB of DT1 only for NA values of colB in DT1 AND use the values of colD for which timeA in DT1 is between timeB1 and timeB2 in DT2. I tried the following but merge doesn't happen:
> output <- DT1[DT2, on = .(colA = colC), colB := ifelse( & i.timeB1 <= x.timeA & x.timeA <= i.timeB2, i.colD, x.colB)]
> output
> output
colA colB timeA
1: 1 A 2
2: 1 <NA> 4
3: 2 AA 3
4: 2 B 4
5: 2 <NA> 6
6: 3 A 1
7: 3 C 4
Nothing changes in output. these is my desired output:
> desired_output
colA colB timeA
1: 1 A 2
2: 1 YY 4 --> should find a match
3: 2 AA 3
4: 2 B 4
5: 2 <NA> 6 --> shouldn't find a match
6: 3 A 1
7: 3 C 4
why doesn't this work? I'd like to use data.table operations only without using additional packages.