I am trying to use update: to update a query after performing a mutation. The problem is that the query in the store has several different variables applied and I would like to update the query and return it with the same variables.
I found in the docs that updateQueries has an option to include queryVariables which are the last set of variables that the query was executed with.
I have not found anything that describes how to retrieve the queryVariables or something like it from inside of update.
Inside of update: I can use
lastQuery = Object.keys(store.data.ROOT_QUERY).slice(-1)[0]
which will return a result like "userRecipes({"first":20,"minTime":0,"maxTime":500,"filterType":"Explore","searchTerm":""})"
The hacky way that I am doing this now is to parse that string to pull out the variables so I can finally use readQuery like so:
const lastQuery = Object.keys(store.data.ROOT_QUERY).slice(-1)[0]
const searchPosition = lastQuery.search("searchTerm")
const searchTerm = lastQuery.slice((searchPosition + 13),-3)
// also parsing the lastQuery string for filterType, minTime, maxTime
const data = store.readQuery({
variables: {
filterType: filterType,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
minTime: minTime,
maxTime: maxTime,
This can't be the best way to do this. Is there a simpler way to access variables inside of update?
It seems like there should be a way to read the existing query and variables that are in the store without passing variables with readQuery.
Thanks for taking a look at this issue!
apollo-client@1.4.0 react-apollo@1.4.2