Add Unique Nodes and relationship between them fro

2019-07-22 04:14发布


This is in continuation of the problem defined here

Query case-specific nodes in Neo4j

So the situation looks like the image below(please bear with the crappy image)

The blue links denotes the [:RELATES_TO] relationship with the number in black boxes denoting the value of Length property. Similar values also exists for all such other [:RELATES_TO] relationship which is not shown here.

Now I would like to find and create unique Nodes based on 'Name' property of Performer Nodes. Continuing with the example in the link there will be only 4 New Unique Nodes [A,B,C,D]. Lets Call them NewUniqueNodes with name as a property.

Then I would like to query each case in turn. Within each case, I need to query [:RELATES_TO] relationship in increasing order of Length property. For any such pair of nodes (x,y) I need to add a relationship [:FINALRESULT{strength:0}] from NewUniqueNode(Name:x) to NewUniqueNode(name:y) with strength being updated to (strength + value). The value is the number associated with value property of [:RELATES_TO] for the pair of nodes(x,y).

[Example and Expected Output]

In case1, the order of visiting nodes will be

Node(ID:3) to Node(ID:4)
Node(ID:1) to Node(ID:2)
Node(ID:1) to Node(ID:3)

On processing these nodes, the result would be

NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:D)
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:B)
NewUniqueNode(name:B)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:A)

On processing the full set of cases(case1 + case2 + case3), the result would be something like

NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:D)
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 3}]-NewUniqueNode(name:B)
NewUniqueNode(name:B)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 2}]-NewUniqueNode(name:A)
NewUniqueNode(name:C)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:B)
NewUniqueNode(name:A)-[:FINALRESULT{strength: 1}]-NewUniqueNode(name:A)


According to this Neo4j console setup, based on the previous question I have the following query :

MATCH (n:Performer) 
WITH collect(DISTINCT ( AS names 
UNWIND names as name 
MERGE (nn:NewUniqueNode {name:name}) 
WITH names 
MATCH (c:Case)
MATCH (p1)-[r:RELATES_TO]->(p2)<-[:RELATES]-(c)-[:RELATES]->(p1)
ORDER BY r.length
MATCH (nn1:NewUniqueNode {name:startNode(r).name}) 
MATCH (nn2:NewUniqueNode {name:endNode(r).name}) 
MERGE (nn1)-[rf:FINAL_RESULT]->(nn2)
SET rf.strength = CASE WHEN rf.strength IS NULL THEN r.value ELSE rf.strength + r.value END

Explanations :

  • First we match all performer nodes and collect the distinct name values in the names variable.

  • Secondly, we iterate the names with the UNWIND clause, creating a NewUniqueNode for each name in the names collection

  • Then we match all cases, within each case we look for the :RELATES_TO relationships that are inside this case and ordering them by the relationship length value

  • Then for each relationship found, we match the NewUniqueNode corresponding to the startNode name value, and same for the NewUniqueNode corresponding to the endNode name value

  • Lastly we merge the :FINAL RESULT relationship between those two unique nodes, we then set the strength property on the relationship depending of the :RELATES_TO relationship length value, for this part I guess you could do the same with ON CREATE and ON MATCH on the MERGE

标签: neo4j cypher