Are there any non-blocking IO frameworks for .NET?
I am looking for something similar to what Apache Mina and JBoss Netty provides for Java: a framework for implementing highly scalable servers - not just the low-level support that the .NET framework provides.
EDIT: To better explain what I would like to see, here is a basic example of what you can do with Mina:
In Mina I can implement a ProtocolDecoder like this:
public class SimpleDecoder extends CumulativeProtocolDecoder {
protected boolean doDecode(IoSession session, IoBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out) throws Exception {
if (in.remaining() < 4)
return false;
int length = in.getInt();
if(in.remaining() < 4 + length)
return false;
Command command = new Command(in.asInputStream());
And a CommandHandler like this:
public abstract class CommandHandler extends IoHandlerAdapter{
public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) throws IOException, CloneNotSupportedException {
Command command = (Command) message;
// Handle command. Probably by putting it in a workqueue.
If I start the server by calling
CommandHandler handler = new CommandHandler();
NioSocketAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor();
acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("protocol", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new SimpleDecoder(false)));
acceptor.setLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(port));
I will get a non-blocking server.
It will run a single (or at least just a few) threads, cycling through all incoming connections, gathering data from the sockets, and call SimpleDecoder.doDecode()
to see if it has a complete command on the connection. Then it will pass the command to CommandHandler.messageReceived()
, and I can take over the processing.